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Clinical Pearls in Anaesthesia for Pleurectomy/Decortication for Malignant Mesothelioma
For most thoracic surgeries (lung resection, esophagectomy) the main purpose of inserting a double lumen tube for lung isolation is providing space for dissection and preventing lung motion by not ventilating (collapsing) the lung undergoing surgery.
In addition, during pleurectomy/ decortication surgeries, the anaesthetist can indirectly perform the dissection of pleura from the lung without scrubbing, gloving or holding the scalpel.
This is accomplished by ventilating the lung undergoing surgery, with large tidal volumes while the surgeon provides static traction to the visceral pleura. These phases alternate with one lung ventilation. A detailed account of anaesthesia for pleurectomy/ decortication follows.